Todd School:

Breakout EDU Box Kit $614.00 (5th grade teacher team)

Grade level set of problem solving box kits where students use skills & knowledge across various subject areas to “break open the box” while using problem-solving, teamwork and critical thinking skills in a fun way.

Middle School:

TRUST ME Documentary $350.00 (Teka McCabe - Library Media Specialist)

3 year license agreement for streaming documentary “TRUST ME” to supplement curriculum for 6th grade Media Literacy class. “TRUST ME” is a feature-length documentary that explores manipulation and misinformation at the intersection of human nature and information technology, explains how that drives a need for media literacy, and points the way toward a positive future.

3D Printers $6,000.00 (Austin Perry - Math)

Create 3D printer lab in new technology room with three 3D printers and start up supplies to use with Project Lead the Way Design and modeling curriculum where students use an online 3D modeling design tool.

High School:

9 Disc Golf Holes $2,655.00 (Brendan Coxen & AJ Thau - Physical Education & Health)

Build disc golf course to benefit the middle and high school.

Engineering Club Robotics Competition $6,500.00 (Austin Lee - high school senior)

Start-up costs for the Engineering Club to start a robotics team and funds for club members to participate in FIRST Technical Challenge robotics competitions. Competition teaches engineering, problem solving, leadership, marketing, and presentation skills to better prepare students for future in science and technology.



The Briarcliff Manor Education Foundation, established in 1995, seeks to enhance the education of students in the Briarcliff Manor school district by granting innovative, cutting-edge programs and projects that are beyond the scope of public school funding.